銀行振込 | りそな銀行本郷支店 普通102599 (有)光映舎 |
郵便振替 | 00120−1−156319 (有)光映舎 |
料金着払い (ヤマトコレクトサービス) |
30万円以内。ヤマト便の運転手さんに代金をお渡し下さい。 現在総額¥15,000以上の場合は着払い手数料は当店が負担しますので、お支払い総額は着払いが一番安いです。安心してご利用下さい。 |
bank details | THE RESONA BANK, LTD. HONGO BRANCH 453-02-418763 |
Koueisha Co., Ltd.
3640-155 Kasahata Kawagoe-shi Saitama-ken
※Payments can be made in US dollars or Japanese
※Please include the name of products you
are interested in, your name, your address
and your phone number in e-mail correspondance.
※We will send you product prices, shipping
details and the expected time to delivery.
※You can also order products from the Japanese
※We apologise that replying to mails in
English may be slow.